generador Figuera approach 3
hi all Here a knew test on the Figuera generator. First sorry for some disturbing camera mouvement but i am not cameraman pro. So as i explain, i have some difficulties to get a nice voltage trace with the Arduino coupled to a bunch of transistors and resistors. So, to me what seems important is to get for each primary a pulse in the middle of the cycle, and the pulses must be 180 degrees offset between the 2 one primaryget the pulse during the time the other primary is at rest. So i have modified the “WONJU” code to work only on the pin 3 and 4 of the Arduino, in order to get the pulse sequence as per the video. Second i noticed that when the 2 C cores are magnetically connected, the total current draw was reduced by almost 1/2. in comparison with the same primaries with a air gap in between. But what puzzled me the most is the apparition of the GOHST trace. It is not a ghost trace, but probably the reflection (mirror) from each primary on the other, through the magnertic path. But the voltage mirrored is really there, in each primary, and this mirrored voltage seems not to associated to any current pulse ?? (look at the scope trace in the video. Ok discussion at Energeticforum at “reenventing the wheel” thread from Wonju. I think the rest of the video is selfexplanatory, and i will try to test the charging/discharging idea, perhaps à la Bedini ?? OK good luck at all Laurent