#17 Filament Extruder Puller PID loop Update, Passing The Torch… TEAM WORK!
Whats up everybody! so some of you are wondering about this filament extruder project i was working on and finally here is an update.
I will be passing the project to bob from Making Stuff. I will still be helping where time allows me to, but for the most part its bob’s goal to complete it for his own extruder for the maker fair Sept 17 in Nashville :
Please subscribe to Bob’s channel so you can fallow this project as well as his other projects! :
Bob’s web page: http://makingstuff.info/default.aspx
Project page: http://makingstuff.info/Projects/29/DigitalCaliperDataCable.aspx
current updates on this project:
my web page where the rest of the extruder project, as well as the update videos for the puller :
play list:
give Bob a pat on the back by subbing to his channel lots of stuff interesting stuff there 🙂
~Russ Gries