39A Don Smith Device Project: Incorporating Heins Bi-Toroid Technology
hello all, im looking for a good transformer… this seemed to be the best one out there… It is unfortunate that Thane Heins has removed his research and development vids, but as there are others who have made replication attempts, i wanted to share my work on it. It is Awesome. Just brilliant Thane Heins ! The flux in the core of any transformer is much the same as electricity. Current wants to find the path of least “resistance”… wel, flux (changing polarity inside transformer) wants to find the path of least “reluctance”. …So you add extra paths for it to travel, and you add another dummy secondary on load which helps feed the output secondary with B-emf. …That B-emf would have normally returned to the primary, lowering its impedance and would cause it to draw more current to maintain the voltage across the load of the secondary. …instead, the b-emf of each secondary compliments one another, and never returns to the primary winding. …the result is real active power, derived from reactive power only. no power was consumed by primary. all power is returned on the next half-cycle.