charging by induction approach 2.wmv
Hi all today i have to take some risks and dare to try a theory of my experiment. So after a lot of test, it seems that by using a Kacher or Slayer exciter or probably any of those high voltage transfomers, somehow “BIZARE 2 phenomenas occures. I suppose that by doing the transformation (by induction ) from low voltage up to high voltage , there is also the “creation ” of a secondary and parallel energy that can be named cold electricity And so, due to this phenomena, It seems that a kind of feed back power does return back to the power suply (if this power supply is a battery and in my experiment it is a seal lead battery ) And this kind of “parallel energy” seems to energise all arround the system, but specially the battery’s and its inter rnal elements. So that all near conductiv elements are energised. And so if i wrap a copper wire arround the battery i can collect this returned back power yes or not ? OK for discussion at EF or OU good luck at all Laurent, youuupp ? very intriging and interesting good luck at all Laurent