284 Search results

For the term "two small dc motor self running motor circuit free".

Modified Fuji Circuit Joule Thief circuit lighting 40 watt tube with AA battery

Here we are illuminating a 40 watt tube from a single AA battery. This is a modified version of Josepino’s disposable camera circuit. I have used this same circuit to light 2 of these 48″ tubes end to end. I have also illuminated 400 leds with this sam…

FREE ENERGY Mark Dansie Demonstrates Solid-State selfcharging free energy Chip and Water Flashlight

For more info: http://www.overunity.com/13100/free-energy-mark-dansie-demonstrates-solid-state-selfcharging-free-energy-chip/ and http://pesn.com/2012/11/13/9602218_Mark-Dansie_Demonstrates_Solid-State-Chip_and_Water-Flashlight/ Posted with permission from Sterling D. Allan. This was recorded at the recent BEM Energy Conference in the Netherlands. Mark Dansie was showing the first real free energy…


STEP 1 Motor Coil Evaluation – to determine if a Regenerative Acceleration Generator Coil can be employed as a DC Motor Coil. Pending… STEP 2 DC Motor Coil and Regenerative Acceleration Generator Coil interaction….