47 Search results

For the term "elearnportal.science".

Electric OU: Ainslie Demo Highlight 2.5: Probe Fiddling Test Attempt and Fail

Here the team responds to a question from a viewer, I think. The idea is to test the difference in scope readings between the two sides of the Current Sensing Resistor or “shunt” while…

Ted Loder on the Disclosure Project and SEAS Power

www.americanantigravity.com – Dr. Ted Loder discusses The Disclosure Project and SEAS-Power. Loder retired in May 2005 as a Professor at the University of New Hampshire, Department of Earth Sciences and member of the Institute…

Public Announcement !! Everyone Please Watch!!! Manny Thanks, ~Russ

03-27-2012 Thank you all for watching! Please see all the info in the description for all stanley meyer info and people things and stuff! ~Russ rwgresearch.com open-source-energy.org Max, Slade, Per, www.stanleymeyerwebshop.com Tony www.globalkast.com I…