Joule Thief: Voltage Multiplication Factor 100, Neon Lit on 0.84 Volts Input
A 10 mH inductor pulled from an old TV chassis is the core of this JT. It looked to me like it had 300 or so turns on it of #30 or so. I put a layer of cloth tape, then wound around 30 turns of #22 on top. Wired using LaserSaber’s variant, with a 330R base resistor and a 1n4002 rectifier across the NE-2 neon. Scope traces show the 170 volt peak and the approx. 85-90 V neon voltage, and the Simpson DMM shows that the battery voltage is only 0.84 volts in-circuit. Operating frequency is about 8.6 kHz and I can hear it “singing” a highpitched tone.