amazing difference in electricity1.wmv
Hi all Trying hard to catch what is going on in this stuff, i experiment a lot of things. So i tried to understand why the Car coil with the INDUCTRET connection works, So i imagined that the high voltage (more than 800 volts )coupled to a high frequency (1 Mhz) should excite the encapsulating alu case of the coil . So i considered that If i use a flat pancake coil sandwiched between 2 conductive plates it could be better. But nope. a pancake coil sandwitched between 2 HDD does not work. But if i connect the Captret lead to one of the HDD and the other lead to one of the coil lead and the other lead is left free, it works. So i decided to try to simply connect each lead to 2 separated HDD, and it works also So the system is becoming simpler and simpler. After that i have seen the posts of “AetherScientist and zilano discussion arround Reactive power (at energeticforum .com) . As you know i have made some video on the subject in the “Thane Heinz ” discussion about the Bittoroid transformer” And the compass experiment is very interesting. So i did put 2 cvompass 1 under the positiv wire from the battery which seems to get “active power ” that means that the magnetic field is ACROSS (perpendicular to ) the length of the wire , and another under the wire connected from the ground to the lamp. and in this case the compass seems not to be influenced by the electricity running in the wire. so a lot to experiment i enjoy very much this thread , thanks to all contributors and goog …