185 Search results

For the term "self charging inverter circuits".


This self excited generator “motor” coil causes the induction motor/ prime mover to accelerate from 800 RPM to over 1800 RPM without any additional power being supplied to it – WHILE AT THE SAME…

Input Current measurement test into the 300 Watts inverter with the ALUM electrolyte car battery

http://www.overunity.com/13731/how-to-convert-a-lead-acid-car-battery-to-an-alum-battery-part-1-to-7/ In this video I am showing additionally the current input into the inverter from the battery while also showing the voltage on the battery. I am also showing the idle input current when…

First tests with a 300 Watts inverter on the ALUM electrolyte car battery

http://www.overunity.com/13731/how-to-convert-a-lead-acid-car-battery-to-an-alum-battery-part-1-to-7/ In this video I am showing a load test on the modified car battery with a 300 Watts inverter driving a 28 Watts halogen bulb and a 100 Watts incandescent bulb on the…

Separation between charging and charge transition currents with inductive voltage pulses

Separation between charging and charge transition currents with inductive voltage pulses

Separation between charging and charge transition currents with inductive voltage pulses Authors: Martins Vanags, Janis Kleperis, Gunars Bajars Abstract Inductive voltage pulses are generated in electric circuit consisting from DC power source, pulse generator, field…