195 Search results

For the term "how to built electric saver project with schematic".

E-TurXatorâ„¢ Energy Saver (%270 Efficient Reactor)

E-TurXatorâ„¢ Reactor is world’s most advanced and highest efficient home Energy Saver as Green Energy technology; invented by Mr. Attila ALPEREN developed by The Alperenâ„¢ Group Companies… 10 KW E-TurXatorâ„¢’s, will be available very…

Don Smith Device Project Part 20b: Revised Schematic, Increased Output, and Capacitor Discharge :D

STILL IMAGE OF A CAP DISCHARGE… imageshack.us SCHEMATIC HERE… imageshack.us This was kinda rushed, wanted to have more to show, and thought of more right after, This is no-where near resonance, just used what…

Lithuania OU Experiment #4 Wesley’s Theory + schematic+ explanation+step by step instruction

Wesley’s Theory. Introduction+schematic Aidas Arunas are key people in this project.. I’m releasing my video #4 into creative licence please everyone to copy it and re post on your Youtube and any other channels…

Replication Imhotep Radiant CFL Oscillator and Self-feeding?? Part 3 with new SCHEMATIC

Found this concept while looking for the ultimate low input / hv driver for the Don Smith, very impressed with this performance, a truly brilliant hookup, no resistors, chips or anything fancy, and strangely…