EV Regenerative Acceleration Innovation Industry Demo – Spring 2012, Toronto ON Canada
The ReGenX generator innovation now allows all electric vehicles and hybrids to partially recharge their own batteries simply as they drive beginning at 10 km/hr and throughout the EV use, while accelerating, coasting and decelerating but without the decelerative braking effects normally associated with EV regenerative “braking.”
Given the uncertainty of the financial state of the world today, it is a challenging time for introducing new technology or innovation.
Introducing innovations that represent a quantum leap may be even more daunting, for by their very nature, these innovations push the boundaries of accepted norms.
However the history of human technological advancement is the story of groundbreaking quantum leap innovations and technologies that shift established paradigms to a higher level and build new foundations of human knowledge.
The Technology
The ReGenX generator innovation now allows all electric vehicles and hybrids to partially recharge their own batteries simply as they drive beginning at 10 km/hr and throughout the EV use, while accelerating, coasting and decelerating but WITHOUT the decelerative braking effects normally associated with EV regenerative “braking.”
This means greater power (and range) with less batteries, gasoline, diesel, wind or water. With the integration of ReGen-X technology, the efficiency and effectiveness of all these power systems can be significantly increased, with corresponding decreases in terms of cost, complexity and quantity.
Electric coils are the basis of virtually every electric motor and generator used in cars, trucks, power generation stations and wind turbines. Regen-X (Regenerative Acceleration Generation Extra-Range) is a technology that directly replaces all these electric coils.
Very simply, compared to existing motor/generator technology, the ReGen-X system uses far less battery power in operation while also providing battery regen while accelerating coasting and while braking – not just under braking alone, thereby greatly extending the driving range of all EVs (electrical vehicles).
PDI has already integrated the innovation into a HERO electric scooter and has established a 52% recharge rate – effectively doubling the scooter’s range.