KERS vs KEGS ReGenX Technology Demo University of Ottawa 2010
Kinetic Energy Recovery Technology vs Kinetic Energy Generating Technology. The Regenerative Acceleration Generator produces 10.2 watts at 3300 RPM while the Conventional Generator is able to produce ONLY 0.001 watts at 62 RPM with an identical prime mover input setting. The Regenerative Acceleration Generator produces 1019900% more output power over the conventional generator. REGENERATIVE ACCELERATION GENERATOR TECHNOLOGY There is now a new technology to add to the energy technologies debate. It is called Regenerative Acceleration Generator Technology (RM) and it is more of a “new energy” paradigm than just a new technology. What PDI Research has succeeded in designing a generator coil which REVERSES generator armature reaction. This armature reaction is responsible for the braking effect in electric vehicles. As the EV generator converts the vehicle’s stored kinetic energy, electrical power is delivered to the batteries while it simultaneously decelerates the vehicle. As the vehicle kinetic energy drops the power supplied to the batteries also drops. PDI has been successful in creating generators coils which do not decelerate when a load is applied – but accelerate instead. Now when the RM generator is supplying power to the batteries the kinetic energy increases and the energy paradigm is reversed – since both kinetic energy and electrical energy now are increasing. Merry Christmas Thane Thane C. Heins President Potential +/- Difference Inc. R & D “The Transition of …