Bobby Gravity motor part 2 Bobby Amarasingam.recently uploaded pictures of some of his gravity wheels. Which i have started to reproduce here. Gravity wheel is not really the correct name since it is centrifugal force and Coriolis forces which are hoped to be the driving forces. Perhaps artificial gravity motor would be a better attempt at naming it. The idea is a novel one if unconventional. In this design, the idea is that centrifugal force and the Coriolis forces are captured using the simple gearing and returned to the wheel as increased torque. I suspected since the machine is completely symmetrical and therefore will not so much of anything. Indeed as you see in the video i used a bulb to measure power before i got a large lab resistance there and it is only something like 30% efficient. With a bulb of course the resistance changes and it will fool you into thinking you have ou. Alas no ou here