Axial inductor solar oscillator
Full info below: A poster on Lidmotor’s latest video, called Iluzyin1, spoke of using axial inductors on blocking oscillator circuits. The bright green resistors on 1990’s circuit boards weren’t bright green resistors, an education for myself there ! This is Quarter penny, so named because my previously smallest ‘Penny’ type blocking oscillator is called Ha’penny (half a penny). Components are – 100uF capacitor, white LED, KN2222A transistor, 104 ceramic capacitor, 680K resistor, 2x 22uH inductors. The circuit also features input and output ports. 2 pins on the input side are for trialing various powering ideas, like solar, salts cells, I/R LED’s At the back of the circuit is a 3 pin plug, for Negative out, Signal out and Positive out. The plug can work as a pass through of input power, or can carry the generated pulses of the circuit forward to other circuits. See Lidmotor’s Penny circuit diagram video for the original oscillator schematic.