CAT to LENR aproach 1 wmv
Hi all
This is a video to show my approach of JDC and Hydrofuelincanada very interesting testing and eventually similitude of a LENR reaction
AS you can see, with a very small HHO flow, i am not able to get the catalytic reaction on my sliced “renaud twingo CAT ”
For the info, my garagist sold me this CAT because i insisted , and he used it to test the old Twingos before going to the inspection in case of problem with the pollution test.
So i have a tendance to thrust my garagist, but perhaps he is a liar, or the Twingo cat are junk , what would probably is almost impossible here in our small country (Switzerland )
So i insist to ask the experimenter here
is it necessary to get a minimum output of HHO to start the reaction
hope this helps
discussion at Energeticforum and OU