Lenz’s Law – Caduceus Coil – Bedini – Perpetual Motion Holder – Leedskalnin Montage
Here is the best explanation for the magnet’s rate of fall change that I received from “chipjarred” — As the magnet falls under the influence of gravity, its magnetic field falls with it. If you pick some point along the interior of the copper tube, the field at that point increases as the magnet approaches until it passes, and then deceases as it falls away. So any given point in the tube experiences a time-varying magnetic field. Enter Faraday’s Law. It says that a convective electric field is formed in proportion but oppositely to a time-varying magnetic field. The equation is “curl E = – dB/dt” where E is the electric field and dB/dt is the rate of change (time derivative) of the magnetic flux field, B. The direction of this induced E field is circumferentially around the interior of your copper tube. The next link in the chain of events is provided by Ohm’s Law, which is well known in its circuit form, V=IR (ie. voltage=current x resistance), but in texts it isn’t usually included in Maxwell’s equations, even though, Maxwell himself did include it. The field version of Ohm’s Law says that when there is an electric field in a conductive medium (such as your copper tube) it causes a current density field that is proportional to the electric field times the conductivity of the medium (ie. “J = sE”, where J is the current density field, s is the conductivity, and E is the electric field). “Conductivity” is just the inverse of “resistivity” which is the generalized …