166 Search results

For the term "v gate magnet motor plans".

TurXotorâ„¢ (Motor with Virtual Generator-%400 Efficient)

Enerjinin Korunumu Kanununa gore tanimlanan ve varligi onaylanan; elektrik motor ve ureteclerindeki ZEMK enerjisinin pozitif olarak kullanilabilecek sekilde sistem disina cikarilmis formatlarina; TurXatorâ„¢ ve TurXotorâ„¢ gucu olarak isimlendirdik. Bu gucler ile calisan sistemleride ayni…

Electric OU: How DO Mosfets REALLY Work? Bias Current Runs Common Gate Amplifier

Once more for the LULZ. The common gate amplifier is evidently more mysterious than a pot of stone soup, but if one pays attention one may begin to become enlightened. This video is a…