179 Search results

For the term "thermal power blog comments powered by flatpress".

Wireless Power: Underwater Power Transmission, Underwater SuperNovaMode

The wireless power system is demonstrated with the receiver completely submerged, with no protection from shorts, etc. The SuperNova mode is also seen to appear. Isn’t anyone getting any useful ideas yet?

Traw̦ger Power Pyramid TPP_V12_Tutorial РElectrical power output from a homemade pyramid

www.overunity.de and the main page is: www.comshop.tv A few Watts free electrical power output from a home made pyramid build by Mr. Trawöger from Austria. Incoming search terms:повер банк своими руками

alt.snakeoil Video Report 28: Andrea Rossi, the HotCat, and Cheese Power

I have discovered the source of the anomalous power in Andrea Rossi’s HotCat LENR reactor, as recently independently tested by Rossi’s good friend Levi et al. and reported in their paper. It is running…