249 Search results

For the term "self powered motionless electric generator circuit".


Как сделать низкооборотный генератор своими руками и получать электричество на сезонной разности температур окружающей среды. Поддержите это видео лайком 🙂 мне важна Ваша оценка, или обсудите с друзьями. Заходите на мой научно популярный канал…

Modified Fuji Circuit Joule Thief circuit lighting 40 watt tube with AA battery

Here we are illuminating a 40 watt tube from a single AA battery. This is a modified version of Josepino’s disposable camera circuit. I have used this same circuit to light 2 of these 48″ tubes end to end. I have also illuminated 400 leds with this sam…

Ottawa University TORQUE PARADIGMS Regenerative Acceleration Generator vs Conventional Generator.mov

EV WORLD: The Heins Effect 9 Jul 2010 … “When we finally understand what Thane Heins has discovered, we likely will have to rewrite the laws of electromagnetism.” Mike Brace, EV World Tech Editor…

"Thane Heins" EV Intro to Reg-Accel-Generator Tech. (RM)

EV WORLD: The Heins Effect 9 Jul 2010 … “When we finally understand what Thane Heins has discovered, we likely will have to rewrite the laws of electromagnetism.” Mike Brace EV World Tech Editor…

The Russtic WFC Frequency Generator. True 50% Duty Frequency Generator W Gating. www.RWGresearch.com

The Russtic WFC Frequency Generator. True 50% Duty Frequency Generator W Gating. open-source-energy.org Please Post Your Thoughts over at the Forums! thanks, ~Russ you can see some scope shots in this video: www.youtube.com

Electric OU: Ainslie NERD Function Generator Open-Circuit Voltage Settings

The Function Generator FG is the “Volume Control” of the Ainslie circuit. The positive excursion controls the level of turn on of the Q1 mosfet, essentially pulsed DC. The negative excursion supplies more or…

Radiant Oscillator Circuit / Don Smith Part 7 A: One Minute Run Time WITH Circuit 1 Farad Capacitor

2x 2n3055 npn bipolar transistors 2x ignition coils with no resistors -Test leads for connections -at least one 12vDC 3 watt led bulb -analog ammeter 0-5 amp (or 0-1Amp would work:) -12 volt battery…