201 Search results

For the term "joule thief with neodymium ring magnets".

Lawrence Tseung Fleet circuit Joule Thief power analysing measurement test PART 1/2

This is the first part of the power measurement scope tests of the Lawrence Tseung Fleet Joule Thief circuit done by Stefan Hartmann, the admin of OverUnity.com . http://www.overunity.com/12686/is-joule-thief-circuit-gets-overunity/1065 Lawrence claimed the circuit to…

Solar Joule Thief HEWEY Boxed

This is the ‘Automatic Solar Joule Thief’—-“Hewey”–boxed. The device is a simple Joule Thief LED/charger circuit with an automatic solar charger attached. It uses super capacitors instead of batteries to store the energy. “Hewey”…

Amazing Joule Thief Lights 200 LEDs On A Single AA Battery!!

Avast!!!! Lighting 200 LEDs on a single AA battery using the modified Fuji Joule Thief circuit. The battery, which is old and nearly dead, will not even light 1 single led by itself. A new AA battery will not light one of these leds alone. More to come…