100 Search results

For the term "grit tie inverter circuits diagramspage4trackbapa".
Energy Transformer

Energy Transformer

Patent No.: WO/2008/103130 Applicants: KAPANADZE, Tariel [GE/GE]; (GE). TURK, Metin [TR/TR]; (TR) (All Except US). Inventor: KAPANADZE, Tariel; (GE). Priority Data: 22.02.2007 Abstract: Energy transformer being improved with this invention, transforms the initial electric energy…

pt7 THE Slayer Exciter, Toroidal Capacitance, 3 Coil Style, 48 Blinding Lights

http://slayerexciter.com/ I recently purchased the Slayer Exciter dual resonant kit that GBluer is selling, along with 3 sweet circuits and components except for the 48 LEDs. Here I’m rocking the TMT with a PNP…