64 Search results

For the term "delamorto schematic".

Electric OU: The Donny Blooper Reel: Some Problematic Statements from March 2011 Demo

The original “Rosemary Ainslie” demonstration of March 12, 2011 contains some remarkable mendacity, misrepresentation and mismeasurement. Most egregious are some bold statements made by Ainslie’s co-author and presenter, Donovan Martin. The misrepresentation of the…

Electric OU: Data and Results: Quantum Magazine Circuit Q-17

The Rosemary Ainslie “Quantum Magazine” single-mosfet circuit is tested at 2.4 kHz, 3.7 percent HI and also 95 percent HI duty cycles. The thermal data indicate that it is unlikely that Ainslie used the…

TMT Tesla Magnifying Transmitter: part 2 Receiving Coil

schematic: http://imageshack.us/f/248/imagefbe.jpg/ using the schematic that Eric Dollard has shown, works like a charm. Transmitting thru the ground to the receiving coil, even though there is only a few volts from the signal generator,…