Single Pipe Pop Pop Boat Engine

This is a single pipe ‘pop pop boat’ engine. It is silent with no moving parts. Water is turned to steam in the boiler, moves down the exhaust pipe, is cooled to liquid, and then contracts back into the boiler. A thermal pulse engine of sorts is formed. The movement of the water out the straw exhaust pipe is easier than the water trying to get back up the straw and a trust force vector is produced. The boat uses this and moves forward.
What is fascinating is that the water inside the engine is cycled back and forth from liquid to steam. The water is not consumed, It seems to me that as long as heat is applied and there is a way to cool the steam back into water at the exhaust —- this pulse engine should run non stop.
Here is Grandad’s video that inspired me to build this, He used an empty CO2 cartridge as the boiler which was much better:

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