OverUnityDOTcom updates. Please watch now. Many thanks.

OverUnityDOTcom updates. Please watch now. Many thanks.

Some more things I forgot to mention.
I don’t have a job anymore and don’t earn any money anymore..
I also must now work ony my Youtube channel to get the monetisation back, so I had to restructure
the videos and delete some videos, so if you don’t find the old videos, it is because of this..
Otherwise go to my Rumble.com account, there you can still find them over here:
Please go over there and subscribe over there please !
Many thanks.
When the #convention from #Rick #Friedrich will take place over here in Germany in #August of #2023 I will at leat post an update, to let you know, what happened there.. Too bad I can not go there with my health status, but I can’t even drive my car over here in the city, nor longer routes..

Also in this moment the new #conference from #Aaron #Murakami is running in the US and I will hope that there will also be #presented some good new #working #technology …

At the moment I have to live now again at my mother’s place, she is already 89 years old and
I have also to care about her and I hope she will still live a few years, but her health is also not too good.
So at least I am not homeless, as they have also quit the campsite where I had previously lived.

Okay, here is my Patreon account, so if anybody wants to help, you are very welcome.


Many many thanks.

Best regards, Stefan.

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