Electric OU: How DO Mosfets Work? NERD Circuit Q2 Remedial Part 2

Please watch the first one first. The 9v bias battery is removed and the Function Generator is substituted in its place. The light bulb is shown to light just like it did with the 9v battery and the bulb is switched by the mosfet as the FG is driving the system. Then the light bulb is replaced with a 5 ohm wirewound load resistor and the main battery is doubled to 24 volts nominal.

Lo and behold the result. Is there any sign of me using a “stored waveform” in this or any other of my videos using analog scopes? Of course there isn’t.

There can be absolutely no doubt now in anyone’s mind as to the current path in the system, the _actual_ role of the FG as a power supply and that the return path for the Q2 oscillations is THROUGH THE FUNCTION GENERATOR to the negative pole of the main battery.

The 5 ohm load resistor produces only very slight heat during the oscillations. ALL the large heat results that Ainslie has ever seen are and were the result of the _other transistor_, the Q1, turning fully on without oscillation during its Gate HI periods. Of course this Little circuit here has only the “Q2”, there is no “Q1” and so there is no large load heating.


The Turkey image is a Creative Commons ShareAlike licensed copyrighted image.
The photograph was taken by Andrea Westmoreland and appears on
No changes were made except to stuff it into the video frame by resizing, and any further distribution must be under the same license as the original.

I hope I did that right. Thanks, Andrea!

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