Free energy 2012 Kapanadze Aquarium free energy device running 2KW heater load New Free Energy Video from the Kapanadze team. It seems that the english speaker has visited the Kapanadze team and could get a look at this great new device. This circuit built into an Aquarium seems to put out around 2 KWatts of constant power as it is claimed in the video. The device only needs one grounding wire. The original video was probably uploaded by: or Many thanks for sharing this with the world ! In the meantime Wesley is trying to analyze it here: (Pretty long video with sometimes hard to understand Skype conversations with his friends…!) Forum user a.king21 wrote: I have been given the go-ahead to open up. I was part of a team which tried to bring Kapanadze’s technology to the West. The partners in the project are now going to fill you in on his scams. This device was rated at 2kw and ran for 4 and a half hours before the team left the premises. The device powered a 2 kw electric fire to full heat. I was not present but my partner was there in his son’s house in Georgia… === Regards, Stefan. ( admin of the overunity forum)

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