Hybrid Tech Energy claims “200% Efficient” water fuel cell by Dr. Steve Eaton
This is part of an open source project at peswiki.com Analysis by HHO expert, Fran Girioux, on Nov. 24, concluded that this was only about 80% efficient. That analysis can be found at the above link. Below is how the description for this video first read: ================== “Watch Dr. Steve Eaton’s HHO cell make 1 liter HHO in 12 seconds using 12 volts, 23.6 amps.” This comes to 5 liters per minutes and is said to be far more than what standard electrolysis is capable of producing. Power supply: 12-V Battery Booster Room temp: 70.2 F Cell water temp: 95 F Electrolyte: 1 g. KOH per gallon of water Video produced for Jeff Sokol by “Happy Handiman”. The music is by his band. Jeff conveyed this video to us to upload for redundancy. He also uploaded it at www.youtube.com See our feature page at peswiki.com