Tagged: electrolysis

Separation between charging and charge transition currents with inductive voltage pulses

Separation between charging and charge transition currents with inductive voltage pulses

Separation between charging and charge transition currents with inductive voltage pulses Authors: Martins Vanags, Janis Kleperis, Gunars Bajars Abstract Inductive voltage pulses are generated in electric circuit consisting from DC power source, pulse generator, field…

A novel method of hydrogen generation by water electrolysis using an ultra-short-pulse power supply

A novel method of hydrogen generation by water electrolysis using an ultra-short-pulse power supply

A novel method of hydrogen generation by water electrolysis using an ultra-short-pulse power supply Authors: NAOHIRO SHIMIZU, SOUZABURO HOTTA, TAKAYUKI SEKIYA and OSAMU ODA Abstract A novel method of hydrogen generation by water electrolysis using…

Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolysis cell

Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolysis cell

Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolyses cell Authors: Martins Vanags, Janis Kleperis, Gunars Bajars, Andrejs Lusis Abstract We used inductive discharge voltage pulses to power the electrolysis cell with water and very…

Aluminium Iron Al Fe electrolysis by Dr. Linnard Griffin

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