100 Search results

For the term "transistor tip0ff0401 parts".
Independent Energy Device

Independent Energy Device

Patent No.: WO/2008/103129 Applicants: KAPANADZE, Tariel [GE/GE]; (GE). TURK, Metin [TR/TR]; (TR) (All Except US). Inventor: KAPANADZE, Tariel; (GE). Priority Data: 20.02.2007 Abstract: The independent energy device improved with this invention, starts operation with the…

Energy Transformer

Energy Transformer

Patent No.: WO/2008/103130 Applicants: KAPANADZE, Tariel [GE/GE]; (GE). TURK, Metin [TR/TR]; (TR) (All Except US). Inventor: KAPANADZE, Tariel; (GE). Priority Data: 22.02.2007 Abstract: Energy transformer being improved with this invention, transforms the initial electric energy…

Joule Thief: Variations… Alternate Toroid, Reversed Transistor Comparisons

After the last video with the serendipitous wiring error, I decided to make an easily configured testbed and try some variations. Interesting….. I tried the generic 2n3904 type, reversed and correct, the metal-can 2n2222a…

Joule Thief: Supplement: Photo Transistor NTE3037 Response Linearity Test

In order to determine the light output curves for JTs, one needs some kind of reliable and consistent detector system to measure the brightness level, and thus the light power output, of the JT’s…