138 Search results

For the term "romerouk pulse motor muller generatorpage2track".
Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolysis cell

Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolysis cell

Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolyses cell Authors: Martins Vanags, Janis Kleperis, Gunars Bajars, Andrejs Lusis Abstract We used inductive discharge voltage pulses to power the electrolysis cell with water and very…

TurXotorâ„¢ (Motor with Virtual Generator-%400 Efficient)

Enerjinin Korunumu Kanununa gore tanimlanan ve varligi onaylanan; elektrik motor ve ureteclerindeki ZEMK enerjisinin pozitif olarak kullanilabilecek sekilde sistem disina cikarilmis formatlarina; TurXatorâ„¢ ve TurXotorâ„¢ gucu olarak isimlendirdik. Bu gucler ile calisan sistemleride ayni…