236 Search results

For the term "how to make self running free energy kapagen gener".

Self- running Stubblefield pulse motor with a secondary.ASF

This is the Lasresaber/ Stubblefield coil with a small secondary wound over the primary drive coil. The self-running magnet spinner pulse motor triggers an induced voltage in the secondary coil. I took that small…

E-TurXatorâ„¢ Energy Saver (%270 Efficient Reactor)

E-TurXatorâ„¢ Reactor is world’s most advanced and highest efficient home Energy Saver as Green Energy technology; invented by Mr. Attila ALPEREN developed by The Alperenâ„¢ Group Companies… 10 KW E-TurXatorâ„¢’s, will be available very…

David Sereda Explains Crystal Energy, Chakras & Auras

www.americanantigravity.com – David Sereda applies solid-state physics research to explain crystal energy and describes how crystal energy interacts with chakras in the body and nervous system. David Sereda lives in Sedona – a city…