188 Search results

For the term "12v low current induction heating circuit".
Energy Transformer

Energy Transformer

Patent No.: WO/2008/103130 Applicants: KAPANADZE, Tariel [GE/GE]; (GE). TURK, Metin [TR/TR]; (TR) (All Except US). Inventor: KAPANADZE, Tariel; (GE). Priority Data: 22.02.2007 Abstract: Energy transformer being improved with this invention, transforms the initial electric energy…

Radiant Oscillator Circuit / Don Smith Part 7 A: One Minute Run Time WITH Circuit 1 Farad Capacitor

2x 2n3055 npn bipolar transistors 2x ignition coils with no resistors -Test leads for connections -at least one 12vDC 3 watt led bulb -analog ammeter 0-5 amp (or 0-1Amp would work:) -12 volt battery…

Radiant Oscillator Circuit / Don Smith Part 7 B: One Minute Run Time NO Circuit 1 Farad Capacitor

2x 2n3055 npn bipolar transistors 2x ignition coils with no resistors -Test leads for connections -at least one 12vDC 3 watt led bulb -analog ammeter 0-5 amp (or 0-1Amp would work:) -12 volt battery…

Joule Thief: JTEnhanced Current Input, Voltage Output Waveforms

It doesn’t seem right to call it a basic JT since the loopstick and capacitor make so much difference. So I’m calling the cap/loopstick version “JTEnhanced”. It is the basic circuit, using the 1K…