APEC 2/26, Part #1 – Bryan St. Clair – Inertial Propulsion
https://www.americanantigravity.com – Bryan St. Clair will discuss his work with pulsed inertial engine technology, including a new “PIE Mini” that is a functional miniature demonstration model. He has just posted some videos on YouTube and bitchute of the Mini. He also hopes to have a new electric motor on the Trammel Engine (PIE X), and plans to talk about what he thinks it will do for the unit.
The Feb 26th conference event features Bryan St. Clair & Ross Small on Inertial Propulsion, Michael McDonnough on Stimulated Beta-Decay Nuclear Batteries, Todd Desiato on the Graviflyer and John Hutchison on the Hutchison Effect. Mark Sokol & Falcon Space provide detailed lab updates and the results of their latest experiments, and we’ll be finishing off the event with an open discussion and ad hoc presentations by conference attendees!
Links & Resources:
Bryan St. Clair: http://www.stclairtech.tech/
Todd Desiato: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Todd-Desiato
Michael McDonnough: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KVZHR14/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_93C8CATE7N6FHP1VBZDY
John Hutchison: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuuj_IHbIyKF84aHdjMEx2w