Dr. Stiffler SFM – Part 2 – lots of experiments
Resonance has shifted to peaks of around 2.66MHz and 8MHz.
These are likely to be harmonics or faded echoes of a higher frequency further up. My signal generator only goes to 9MHz.
This replication is only taking shape…showing now an L3 added, but also lots of questions are answered that came up mainly from Overunity.com boss Stefan Hartmann.
Extra note – all other waveshapes of the DS203 signal generator have been tried, inc Sine, Sawtooth, Triangle, Cardiac, Rough Sine and none work like a 50% Squarewave does.
Also – was just thinking about the voltage and current measurements. I should have used a 10uF cap to smooth both out because the output is 50% on and 50% off. In any case, the outputs of voltage and frequency are far lower yet than Dr. Stiffler’s setup.