Electric OU: Supplement: Twin Neon Ring Oscillators Powered by Bedini NP Motor
A demonstration of the Bedini motor’s HV output powering an external load. Two of them in fact. Two ring oscillators using NE-2 neons make an interesting sort of load for your HV Joule Thiefs and Bedini motors. Simple to make, elegant in design, and interesting in operation, the NE-2 Ring Oscillators can be extended to any number of stages (odd numbers seem best). Yes, I have a _lot_ of NE-2 bulbs. I counted the remaining ones just now…. I still have 78 that are not being used for anything, and about 40 that are in use in various projects around the lab. Ah…. good old Mike Quinn’s in the Bay Area. I grabbed a double handful years ago, and wound up paying only pennies each for them. I wish I could tell if they are NE-2 or NE-2H, though.