50 Search results

For the term "trifiler wire".

EPG Divider Plates Arrive!!!! Wire Wrapping Begins! (SOON) WWW.RWGReaesrch.com

EPG Divider Plates Arrive!!!! Wire Wrapping Begins! (SOON) Where Have I Been??? WWW.RWGReaesrch.com The Fun Starts Now!!!! 2 miles of #22 magnet wire and counting down… 🙂 after i get all these plates put…

Joule Thief Lights 100 LEDs Using 1 Wire Only!

My modified Fuji camera AA circuit lighting a string of 100 clear LEDs using only one wire from the circuit. All I have to do is hold my hand near the battery and it lights. When I bring my other hand close to the LED string, they get brighter. This is…