23 Search results

For the term "sixto ramos replica".

P2 Stanley Meyers Hydrogen Gas Gun Replica. # 22 Gage Wire ordered! Thank you all! Amazing!

we did it! thank to all that help in annyway! i know we all are in deferent situations and its a blessing that there are people that are willing to help! Thank you!!!!!!!! God…

A True Replica Of The Electrical Connectors Used On Stan Meyer Original WFC.

the real deal: open-source-energy.org Be blessed! be safe! have fun! ~Russ rwgresearch.com open-source-energy.org Incoming search terms:ротовертер с самозапиткой, ротовертер самозапитка

Peruvian Inventors who won contest receive their patents

Fernando Sixto Ramos Solano: Force Multiplier System. A backup copy of the video “Inventores peruanos que ganaron concurso reciben sus patentes” (Inventors Peruvians who won contest receive their patents) http://www.magistrala.cz/freeenergy

The energy multiplier system invented by a blind Peruvian wins international award

Fernando Sixto Ramos Solano: Force Multiplier System. A backup copy of the video “Sistema que multiplica la energía, ideado por un invidente peruano, gana premio internacional”. http://www.magistrala.cz/freeenergy