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Supertoxins in our Drinking Water

www.americanantigravity.com – Ralph Suddath discusses chlorine-resistant bacteria and chlorine-derived supertoxins that affect most of the drinking water in the United States. According to Suddath, the answer to supertoxins is not simply more treatment, but…

Cancer cure High success rate, Test of Water Toxic Elimination with IWT drop

Always visit the link down it’s very very important !!! http://avisowater.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cleansing-with-I-W-T-Ismael-Water-Therapy/1377077545870965?id=1377077545870965&sk=info https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cleansing-with-I-W-T-Ismael-Water-Therapy/1377077545870965?id=1377077545870965&sk=app_515813678472538 https://www.facebook.com/notes/cleansing-with-i-w-t-ismael-water-therapy/pollution-1-cause-of-diseases-simple-colds-to-cancer/1377795435799176 This video is to demonstrate the ability of IWT minerals drops to eliminate the toxic within the body. It will…