177 Search results

For the term "free energy charge circuit".


orbo.es The Best Overunity Music ever ..even if the stuff didn’t quite work this compilation of events and music is a classic…Steorn Orbo public demonstration at Waterways, Dublin Ireland 2009/10. Music: Don’t Stop Me…

Modified Fuji Circuit Joule Thief circuit lighting 40 watt tube with AA battery

Here we are illuminating a 40 watt tube from a single AA battery. This is a modified version of Josepino’s disposable camera circuit. I have used this same circuit to light 2 of these 48″ tubes end to end. I have also illuminated 400 leds with this sam…

Electric OU: Ainslie NERD Function Generator Open-Circuit Voltage Settings

The Function Generator FG is the “Volume Control” of the Ainslie circuit. The positive excursion controls the level of turn on of the Q1 mosfet, essentially pulsed DC. The negative excursion supplies more or…