76 Search results

For the term "assembly don smith devicerk0rssh8stbxwcfiyabjtrac".

P4 Stanly Meyers Quenching Disk , Russ’s Assembly Of His Quenching Disk Set Up. RWGresearch.com

.025″ around 60 microns and .0015 is about 30 microns Stanly Meyers Quenching disk works like stated. Now we need to find ceramic ones and also start the real tests! .025″ around 60 microns…

The Papp Engine: Engine Assembly Demonstration

www.americanantigravity.com – Jimmy and Jake Sabori assemble a Papp Engine, describing each component of the engine as they put it in place, and finally start the engine to demonstrate that the noble-gas engine operates…

Don Smith Device Project Part 24: quick update and Kapanadze on the side

Quick update, after seeing some more info and constant reference from Stivep1, Tiger, Aidas, Arunas, Anonimus, etc…i am compelled to experiment on the side with Tariel Kapanadze’s work 🙂 There are various schematics out…