Category: MrClean

Part 9: Akula / Kapanadze Experiments: Resonator, Scope Destroyed, Understanding Tesla driver

Made a small change to test the resonator inside the output grenade, and replicated the Delamorto Kacher for study of the power harvested from the Tesla resonator. up until now… i have not been…

Part 9: Akula / Kapanadze Experiments: Resonator, Scope Destroyed, Understanding Tesla driver

Made a small change to test the resonator inside the output grenade, and replicated the Delamorto Kacher for study of the power harvested from the Tesla resonator. up until now… i have not been…

Part 7 Akula / Vasmus / Kapanadze / Tesla Exeriments: added coupling, lower current draw

Changed a few things and noticed a few other things. Removed a layer from the output grenade, and tested the function of various connections. And the coil I connected to with the black alligator…

Part 7 Akula / Vasmus / Kapanadze / Tesla Exeriments: added coupling, lower current draw

Changed a few things and noticed a few other things. Removed a layer from the output grenade, and tested the function of various connections. And the coil I connected to with the black alligator…