APEC 10/23, Part #1 – Kavya Vaddadi – Vimana Reverse-Engineering
https://www.americanantigravity.com – Kavya Vaddadi will be joining us to discuss her work on reverse-engineering of the ancient Vimanas, which are described as “mythological flying palaces or chariots described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics”. Her work has been featured on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens program with Dr. Travis Taylor & Giorgio Tsoukalos, and won the Best Team award in the Aeronautical Society of India’s “National Aerolympics Competition”.
Vaddadi is an aerospace engineer from Delhi, India, who has been working to reverse engineer the Marutsakha Vimana, and produced models, computer simulations, and engineering proofs based on ancient vedic texts. A 3D printed model of her design has undergone successful wind tunnel testing at the University of California, Irvine, which proved its aerodynamic viability.
Her work on recreating the vimana included retranslations of Vimanashasthra chapters, the interpretation of Sanskrit shlokas into technical schematics, 2D drawings and 3D modeling/assembly, computational fluid dynamics flow analysis, static structural analysis, and heat-transfer thermal analysis of vimanas.
The scheduled speakers on Oct 23rd include Kavya Vaddadi, Kevin Day, and Gary Stephenson. Kavya Vaddadi will discuss reverse-engineering of the ancient Vimana, Kevin Day will talk about the Navy UAP encounters and recent UAP expeditions, and Gary Stephenson will be talking about MHD propulsion utilizing superconducting nanowires.
Kavya Vaddadi:
– http://maarks.in/ancient-technology/index.html
– http://vedicresearchinstitute.com/scientific-advisor-in-vedic-research-institute-kavya-vaddadi/
Kevin Day: https://uapexpedition.org/
Gary Stephenson: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354853952_MHD_Aerospace_Applications_Update