35 Search results

For the term "secure message.com incoming search termstrackback".

Sunpower Stirling-Cycle Engine Generators

www.americanantigravity.com – Sunpower unveils the Microgen Combined Heat and Power (microCHP) system, an innovative electrical co-generation unit scheduled to hit the European consumer market through British appliance distributor Microgen, Inc. The Microgen system is…

Aviso Ecar & Extreme Repelling force tested by Phil Gov created committee DOE , DOST & UP

Aviso Ecar using 11 kilowatts forklift dc motor. Test end up the Forklift motor run powered from the conventional power supply : 46% EFF. Aviso Technology using the Ambient collector : 136% efficiency. The…

alt.snakeoil Video Report 28b: Supplementary Input Power Measurements, Cheesonance

The ClownSnake Skeptics Society has contacted me with a very critical message, saying that I didn’t measure the input power properly in the last video, and that while I might be able to fool…

selfrunning working permanent magnet motor from Roobert33 is it a Fake ?

Hi, this is copy of the video Youtube user Roobert33 made. See: www.youtube.com I got permission from him to put it on my youtube channel. I have uploaded now this video here as a backup. Is this genuine or is this a fake ? What do you think. Please co…

The Papp Engine: Introduction to Noble Gas Engines

www.americanantigravity.com – Jimmy Sabori introduces the Papp Engine and provides details on the preparation of gases used in the Noble-Gas Engine. He describes the basic principles underlying the electrical system used to deliver charge…