APEC 2/12, Part #7 Mike Gamble – Differential CMG Gyro Operation

https://www.americanantigravity.com – The “Differential CMG Operation” presentation is a follow-up to Mike’s previous presentation, the “History of Boeing CMGs” which was presented earlier at APEC.

After presenting the “History of Boeing CMGs” at the COFE conference the chair Tom Valone encouraged Mike to actually build a small working demo model based on my past Boeing gyro work. This presentation (part 1) documents my initial year’s research, fabrication and testing of that first demo unit. It will include his usual in-depth mathematical system design and analysis.

The scheduled presenters for Feb 12th include Dr. Fabrizio Pinto on the Casimir Effect, Mike Melia on Inertial Propulsion, Michael McDonnough on Plasma Vortex Propulsion, and Mike Gamble on Differential CMG Gyro Operation. Mark Sokol & Falcon Space will provide lab updates, and we’ll be finishing off the event with an open discussion and ad hoc presentations by conference attendees!

Links & Resources:

• Fabrizio Pinto: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fabrizio-Pinto
• Michael McDonnough: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KVZHR14/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_93C8CATE7N6FHP1VBZDY
• Mike Gamble: http://www.futurenergy.org/

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