APEC 1/29, Part #7 – John Hutchison – The Hutchison Effect

In this open discussion session, John Hutchison discusses his experimental in the Hutchison Effect and answers questions from Mark Sokol, Jeremy Rys, and the audience.

John Hutchison is a self-taught scientist who discovered a collection of phenomena now known as the Hutchison Effect during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979. Some of the effects produced include levitation of heavy objects, metal samples turned transparent, metals turned into jelly, and the spontaneous fracturing of metals.

The Hutchison Effect has been well documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers. His findings have been televised in the U.S., Japan, and Canada. They have also piqued interest from electrical engineering, aircraft companies, the Canadian Department of Defense, and the military.

Bob Greenyer will be presenting an overview of Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVO’s) and their applications to advanced propulsion and Dr. David Chester will be discussing theories more complicated than General Relativity and applications for gravity modification. We finish off this event with an open discussion and a lengthy appearance by John Hutchison, the legendary innovator behind the Hutchison Effect!

Links & Resources

• Bob Greenyer: http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/de/facilitators/32-bob-greenyer
• David Chester: https://quantumgravityresearch.org/

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