APEC 1/29, Part #3 – David Chester – Complex Gravity Theories Q&A

Dr. David Chester answers questions related to his overview of theories more complicated than General Relativity, and he’ll be discussing those with a focus on gravity and possible applications for gravity modification & engineering.

Bob Greenyer will be presenting an overview of Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVO’s) and their applications to advanced propulsion and Dr. David Chester will be discussing theories more complicated than General Relativity and applications for gravity modification. We finish off this event with an open discussion and a lengthy appearance by John Hutchison, the legendary innovator behind the Hutchison Effect!

Links & Resources

• Bob Greenyer: http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/de/facilitators/32-bob-greenyer
• David Chester: https://quantumgravityresearch.org/

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