APEC 10/9, Part #7 – Mark Sokol & Associates – Falcon Space Lab Updates

https://www.americanantigravity.com – Mark Sokol discusses his attempt at replicating Alexey Chekurkov’s Graviflyer design, and Sean Logan discusses Golden Ratio Heterodynes, including the construction of a golden ratio antenna to create reinforcing frequencies.

The scheduled presenters for Oct 9th include Steve Burns, Peter Reali, Rich Hoffman, and Charles Crawford III. Steve Burns discusses UAP Spectral Shifting & ELF gravity control, Peter Reali & Rich Hoffman discuss the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, and Charles Crawford III discusses the Graviflyer he purchased from Alexey Chekurkov. We additionally have ad hoc presentations from Sean Logan on Golden Ratio Heterodynes, and Phil Bouchard on Finite Theory.

Steve Burns: https://sites.google.com/site/starshipdesignpage/
Fran De Aquino:
– https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0701091
– https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Fran-De-Aquino-13328359
– http://jnaudin.free.fr/systemg/html/sysganal.htm
Reali & Hoffman: https://www.explorescu.org
Charles Crawford III: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCse1k41pFYhX9BvTNkFfglA
Sean Logan: https://spaz.org/~magi/
Phil Bouchard: https://root.fornux.com/astrophysics/

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