APEC 5/15: Part#1 – Jeremy Rys – UAP Debrief

https://www.americanantigravity.com – Jeremy Rys will be presenting a comprehensive overview on the emerging UAP story and how that relates to antigravity & reactionless propulsion technology.

He’ll be touching on several important historical points, as well as providing the latest information on the upcoming Pentagon report and new DoD Inspector General stories.

Jeremy has been studying the technology behind UFO & UAP propulsion systems for years, and has built a massive online audience on YouTube with over 110,000 subscribers who rely on his scientific & technology analysis.

Jeremy Rys, Todd Desiato, and Gary Stephenson are the scheduled presenters at the APEC May 15th event. Jeremy Rys presents a UAP debrief, Todd Desiato discusses FTL travel & Gary Stephenson talks about Gravitomagnetic Field Generation using High Permitivity Materials in SMES Devices.

Links & Resources:
• Gary Stephenson: 2000 – 2020 Summary of Gravitational Work, Hardware Edition (PDF) – (Available on APEC Website)
• Todd Desiato: Gravity From Uncertainty (PDF) – (Available on APEC Website)
• Falcon Space Facebook | YouTube
• Jeremy Rys: Alien Scientist Website

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