APEC 5/1, Part#8 – Lab Updates & Inertial Propulsion
https://www.americanantigravity.com – Mark Sokol and the Falcon Space team will present updates on their experimental research in the lab, with a focus on inertial propulsion research and an in-depth review of the work of Bryan Sinclair’s into inertial propulsion research.
Tom Valone, Glen “Tony” Robertson, and Mike Gamble are the scheduled presenters in the May 1st, 2021 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event. Tom Valone presents a review of electrogravitics and electrokinetic propulsion, Glen Robertson discusses quantum gravity as a quantum warp field, and Mike Gamble will be presenting part 2 of a study of the Earth’s gravitational system.
Links & Resources:
• Tom Valone: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=55806
• COFE Conference (Valone & Gamble): https://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/cofe.html
• Tony Roberson: https://kepleraerospace.com/team/glen-tony-robertson/ | https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/07/nasa-technologist-proposes-acceleration-mechanics-for-%20new-propellant-less-space-drives.html
• Falcon Space Program: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkHVDO55Lj4w-DTO762HhQ
• Alien Scientist: http://alienscientist.com/