APEC 5/1, Part#2 – Tom Valone – Electrogravitics & Electrokinetics Q&A

https://www.americanantigravity.com – Tom Valone answers questions & discusses his review of Electrogravitics and electrokinetics, including his work into the origins of this line of research, which can be traced to T. Townsend Brown’s first article “How I Control Gravity” (Science and Invention, 1929) with the unexplained alignment of the “molecular gravitors”. Brown reported that the dielectrics had high propulsive force when the “differently charged elements” were aligned with the voltage source. Perhaps electrogravitics was also revealed in the article “Gravity Nullified: Quartz Crystals Charged by High Frequency Currents Lose Their Weight” which appeared two years earlier in the same magazine in September of 1927. The editors had a change of heart however, in the following issue, they rescinded the article.

Tom Valone, Glen “Tony” Robertson, and Mike Gamble are the scheduled presenters in the May 1st, 2021 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event. Tom Valone presents a review of electrogravitics and electrokinetic propulsion, Glen Robertson discusses quantum gravity as a quantum warp field, and Mike Gamble will be presenting part 2 of a study of the Earth’s gravitational system.

Links & Resources:
• Tom Valone: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=55806
• COFE Conference (Valone & Gamble): https://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/cofe.html
• Tony Roberson: https://kepleraerospace.com/team/glen-tony-robertson/ | https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/07/nasa-technologist-proposes-acceleration-mechanics-for-%20new-propellant-less-space-drives.html
• Falcon Space Program: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkHVDO55Lj4w-DTO762HhQ
• Alien Scientist: http://alienscientist.com/

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